(Français) Fauconnier passionné par les rapaces, Jacques-Olivier Travers milite depuis des années pour réintroduire en France une espèce disparue depuis 200 ans : le pygargue à queue blanche.
Through 4 complementary films, this series sets out to show an “X-ray” of our society’s consumption.// Documentary series 4x52min
Ladakh, a small region in the north of India, has suffered many years of terrible natural disasters. Confronted with the incomprehension of a people who have always lived in harmony with their natural surroundings, this film shares with us their worries and concerns. // Documentary unitaire (52’00)
At a time of overfishing and of growing concern about the future of the oceans, this film tells the story of one of the key witnesses and participants of the first major underwater explorations: Albert Falco // Documentary (52’00)
Vinylmania is a journey about life through the grooves of music, an investigation of the filmmaker about vinyl as a symbol that represents – in the past, the present and the future – a passion shared by different generations in the age of the internet.